Bible Study Notes - Mark 11:12-26
With an emphasis upon verses 22-24
We continue our study in prayer and its importance as a foundational spiritual discipline in the life of an individual believer and church. We will discuss practical methods for using the Lord’s commands in Mark 11:22-24 in prayer.
As you study the passage, consider the following questions and ideas.
· Note the Lord’s hunger in verse 12. Compare this verse with Matthew 9:35-28 and 1 Timothy 2:3-4 to consider the symbolism of the Lord’s hunger.
· What is the basis for which Lord curses the fig tree?
· Note the coincidence of fig trees; the fruit and leaves appear at the same time.
· How does the story of the fig tree relate to the directions about prayer in the latter verses?
· Place yourself in the temple when the Lord overturns the tables of the money changers and drive them out of the temple. Imagine the drama and excitement that must have occurred. Don’t forget to hide for cover lest the Lord’s strap of multiple cords hit you.
· Seriously, how does the scene of overturning the tables of the money changers relate to prayer?
· The Lord connects the withered and cursed fig tree to His commands on prayer. What is the practical and spiritual connection?
· In verse 22, the Lord responds to Peter’s exclamation about the dried up fig tree with the command, “Have faith in God.” What does He mean especially by these words? How do we daily live them?
· Note the emphasis on speaking to the mountain in verse 23. It is necessary to say the words.
· What does “does not doubt in his heart” mean?
· What is the basis of doubt? How do doubt and fear relate to each other? Compare this verse with Numbers 13:17-33 for a practical application of how doubt and fear undermine faith.
· Note that verse 23 says that you must believe what you say in order for it to occur. Let’s talk about Intention and Purpose and how they relate to Faith.
· Also, consult Romans 10:9-10 and James 3:1-13 as it relates to the power of words.
· Verse 24 is the flash card of many ministries that further the “Ask it; Name it and Claim it” approach to prayer and these verses. Others suggest “Believe it, Possess it and Receive it.” Let’s discuss this approach and whether it accords with these verses.
· Verses 25 and 26 connect Forgiveness to prayer. Could the failure to forgive be a hindrance to prayer?
· Verse 26 establishes the notion of reciprocity as it relates to the Lord’s forgiveness. We cannot receive the Lord’s forgiveness if we harbor unforgiveness towards others.
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