“As iron sharpens iron, so one person sharpens another.” (Proverbs 27:17 – NIV) Today, I launch a new clergy collegial blog. I hope we will encourage and empower each other toward success and excellence in pastoral ministry. As I sit in the Pastor’s Study at Cambria Heights Community Church, I often ponder the possible feedback of clergy colleagues as it relates to preparing sermons, counseling in particularly difficult situation, designing fresh worship, balancing competing priorities of ministry, marriage and family, maintaining self-care, pursuing personal dreams and private interests outside of ministry and family, and finding resources to meet the ever evolving and changing needs of the people whom I serve. After a sustained period of prayer, reflection and meditation, I realize I can invite you to come “In The Pastor’s Study” for an exchange of ideas.

Thursday, January 5, 2012

The Prayer of Intercession - Worship Training Aids

The Prayer of Intercession

·       (1) Intercession: entreaty in favor of another; mediation in a dispute
·       Assume the posture of a good defense counsel arguing a case
·       Utilize the word of God as the basis for your defense
·       Pray the scriptures
·       Appeal to the name, character, revelation, truth and promises of God.  E.g. Daniel’s prayer in Daniel 9:1-19; Abraham’s plea for Sodom and Gomorrah in Genesis 18:16-33; and Jesus’ prayer in John 17:1-26

·       (2) Ascertain the prayer requests (needs and wants) of the person for whom you are praying
·       Some counsel and discussion may be necessary prior to praying.
·       You may need to ask the person to examine his/her motives.

·       (3) Pray specifically about the need and in accordance with the scriptures
·       General and open-ended prayers are generally not helpful to the petitioner.
·       Usually, they are also not effective because they connote half-heartedness and double-mindedness (James 1:6-8)

·       (4) In preparation for intercessory prayer, it would be helpful to do a comprehensive Bible study on any of the following topics:
·       Healing
·       Forgiveness
·       Stewardship
·       Bereavement
·       Discerning, Accepting and Living within God’s will
·       Differentiating between our will (even willfulness) and the will of God
·       Relationships – marriage, family, church, work and the larger world

·       (5) Always pray that the will of God will be done in the person’s life
·       Matthew 26:36-46
·       Romans 12:1-2 – the will of God is “good, perfect and pleasing”

·       (6) Pray that the gifts and fruit of the Holy Spirit will become operative in the person’s life
·       The gifts of the Holy Spirit – 1 Corinthians 12:7-11 and 12:27-31 and Romans 12:6-8
·       The fruit of the Holy Spirit – Galatians 5:22-23

·       (7) After praying, encourage the person to continue praying and engage in some or all of the “Christian Practices’ found on the other handout.

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