“As iron sharpens iron, so one person sharpens another.” (Proverbs 27:17 – NIV) Today, I launch a new clergy collegial blog. I hope we will encourage and empower each other toward success and excellence in pastoral ministry. As I sit in the Pastor’s Study at Cambria Heights Community Church, I often ponder the possible feedback of clergy colleagues as it relates to preparing sermons, counseling in particularly difficult situation, designing fresh worship, balancing competing priorities of ministry, marriage and family, maintaining self-care, pursuing personal dreams and private interests outside of ministry and family, and finding resources to meet the ever evolving and changing needs of the people whom I serve. After a sustained period of prayer, reflection and meditation, I realize I can invite you to come “In The Pastor’s Study” for an exchange of ideas.

Saturday, October 6, 2012

The Wonders of Willingness - Mark 9:14-39 Part Two - Sermon in Outline Format

The Wonders of Willingness
Mark 9:14-29


v If you are willing, you can work miracles in your life.
v Willingness added to honesty, humility, open mindedness, acceptance and patience can result in wonderful changes in your life.
v Actually, willingness is sometimes the most powerful characteristic in our personalities.
v It is equal to that “mustard seed’s worth of faith” about which Jesus speaks in the parable of the sower.
v With a sincere effort to learn, grow, heal and resolve all of life’s challenges on a daily basis, one utilizes willingness to actualize one’s God given talents and natural endowments.
v Willingness empowers us to tap latent gifts.
v It allows us to excel rather than merely achieve and succeed.
v It is amazing what one can accomplish if one is simply willing to try.
v Remember that you have to be willing to fail before you can succeed.
v Success is never promised in advance.
v It comes to those who are willing to believe in themselves, invest in themselves and find the wherewithal to risk.
v Even the innumerable blessings of the Christian are reserved for those who are willing to take the “existential risk of faith.”
v Yet, willingness results I wonders and miracles.
v Willingness is your God-given power to work a miracle in your life.


I.                  Biblical Examples – Lack of Willingness

A. Pharaoh                             Exodus chapters 1-12
B. Absalom                             2 Samuel chapters 13-19
C. King Herod              Acts 12
D. Eli’s sons                  1 Samuel
E. Samson                     Judges 16
F. Saul                           I Samuel 15
G. Miriam                     Exodus

II.               Characteristics of Willfulness

v Pride
v Ego
v Close mindedness
v Refusal to let go of the old way of doing things
v Intellectual laziness
v Self centered fear
v Desire to keep things as they are
v Preference of the familiar even if it is hurtful
v Clinging to one’s comfort zone
v Inflexibility
v Anal-retentive behavior
v Control freak
v Workaholism
v Superstition
v Lack of creativity or imagination
v Faithlessness and hopelessness
v Latent cynicism and skepticism

III.           Biblical Examples – Use of Willingness

1. Naaman the Leper             2 Kings
2. Woman w/Issue Blood       Mark 5
3. Bartimaeus                         Mark
4. Zaccheus                                      Luke
5. Leper                                  Mark 1
6. Hannah                              1 Samuel

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