- · The thirty-seventh verse lends itself to an interpretation in favor of predestination. If the Father gives disciples to Jesus, has He chosen them in advance? Rather, does His grace and love providentially create the circumstances which lead them to Christ?
- · In the next verse, Jesus reminds the crowd that He came to fulfill the will of the Father. Instead of furthering a religious system that was then thousands of years old, Jesus came to reveal directly and clearly the love of the Father for humankind. The Beloved Disciple paints a mosaic of God’s unfailing love in Christ. Primarily, Jesus came to share the Father’s love which is hard for some listeners to accept as they are so accustomed to the dictates of Law and religion. Many persons accept Christ as an eternal life insurance policy because they fear an eternity in hell. Their limited perspective prevents them from appreciating the height, depth, breadth and width of the Father’s love.
- · Jesus assures His listeners that they will not fall away from the faith nor will they be spiritual orphans without a foundation in faith. He will not lose anyone who comes to Him. Practically speaking, anyone who learns and internalizes Jesus’ teachings will mature and persevere. In fact, Jesus later promises the Holy Spirit as a Helper, Comforter and Friend who empowers and encourages disciples. Moreover, the Holy Spirit will ensure the resurrection of each genuine believer in accordance with the Lord’s resurrection and promise.
- · Anyone who looks to the Son finds complete and irreversible healing from any human ailment whether physical, spiritual, mental, emotional or psychological. The evangelist literarily alludes to the wilderness scene in which scorpions attacked the grumbling masses. To relieve this disease, Moses lifts up a serpent on a stick; everyone who looks upon the snake is healed. In the crucifixion, the Father lifts up the Son and anyone who believes on His Name and in His saving atonement finds salvation, healing and wholeness. Furthermore, believers receive eternal life immediately when they put their faith and trust in Jesus. The promise culminates in the believer’s resurrection on “the last day.”
- · In the forty-first verse, the crowd continues to grumble because of His “Bread of Life” sayings. They forcefully resent that idea that Jesus suggests He is greater than Moses. How can an illiterate, poor, uneducated carpenter from a backwater region of Galilee dare to suggest He exceeds the unparalleled greatness of Moses?
- · In the next verse, they question His pedigree. As the son of a poor man however upright, Jesus could not possibly and reasonably affirm a heavenly origin. Again, today, many people cannot accept His teachings because they trespass their social and cultural mores. They expect leaders in any segment of society to possess a certain level of education and preparation. They prefer people who grow up in “fine families.” They desire leaders who are handsome and pretty and offer a striking public image and persona. They want someone who represents someone whom they wish to become. In the past as well as contemporarily, it is very difficult for people to receive a poor man’s son as they chosen leader.
- · The forty-fourth, forty-fifth and forty-sixth verses also lend themselves to the enduring theological debate about predestination versus antinomianism. Consider the role of God’s perfect foreknowledge which means He predestines those believers whom He knew would choose Christ and thus seals their choice by enabling them to persevere with the power of the Holy Spirit.
- · In the forty-seventh verse, Jesus declares the gift of eternal life for anyone who genuinely believes. The “Bread of Life” comes from heaven to give eternal life in contrast to manna which merely sustains life for a day.
- · Jesus then reiterates “I am the Bread of Life.” His teachings are spiritual manna for disciples.
- · His words and sayings are “living bread” which will not become stale and moldy. Amazingly, each time you read a passage of scripture, you discover something new and relevant to your daily circumstances. Regardless of changes in human conditions or fundamental societal and paradigm shifts, the gospel of Jesus Christ empowers disciples for purposeful and intentional living.
- · Allude to the Eucharist, the evangelist reminds his readers that Jesus’ body is they physical bread. He willingly shares it so that believers can feed upon it and inherit eternal life. In the celebration of Holy Communion, communicants receive the mysterious and sacred elements as reminders of Christ’s gift of eternal life.
- · In the fifty-second verse, the crowd accuses Jesus of advancing cannibalism. “How can this man give us his flesh to eat?” Certainly, this teaching sounds bizarre to them. Interestingly, they take Jesus’ words literally and thereby miss the more important lesson relating to the Father’s invitation of love through the Son. The teachings of Christ which are stated in accessible words for everyone are the “Bread of Life” which endures forevermore.
- · The next six verses, fifty-three through fifty-nine, are John’s equivalent of “The Last Supper” as the fourth gospel does not contain an explicit account of the “words of institution.” As you read these verses, envision a clergyperson celebrating the Eucharist and repeating the Lord’s words as John records them.
- · The ritual of the Eucharist reminds partakers of God’s gracious gift of eternal life in Jesus. Belief in Him enables the disciples to share in His righteousness and accordingly rightly relate themselves to the Heavenly Father. The repetition of the ritual reinforces the relationship and yields more authentic righteousness rather than bolstering a false self-righteousness and religiosity. The gracious gifts of the elements empower disciples to persevere and mature.
“As iron sharpens iron, so one person sharpens another.” (Proverbs 27:17 – NIV) Today, I launch a new clergy collegial blog. I hope we will encourage and empower each other toward success and excellence in pastoral ministry. As I sit in the Pastor’s Study at Cambria Heights Community Church, I often ponder the possible feedback of clergy colleagues as it relates to preparing sermons, counseling in particularly difficult situation, designing fresh worship, balancing competing priorities of ministry, marriage and family, maintaining self-care, pursuing personal dreams and private interests outside of ministry and family, and finding resources to meet the ever evolving and changing needs of the people whom I serve. After a sustained period of prayer, reflection and meditation, I realize I can invite you to come “In The Pastor’s Study” for an exchange of ideas.
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