“As iron sharpens iron, so one person sharpens another.” (Proverbs 27:17 – NIV) Today, I launch a new clergy collegial blog. I hope we will encourage and empower each other toward success and excellence in pastoral ministry. As I sit in the Pastor’s Study at Cambria Heights Community Church, I often ponder the possible feedback of clergy colleagues as it relates to preparing sermons, counseling in particularly difficult situation, designing fresh worship, balancing competing priorities of ministry, marriage and family, maintaining self-care, pursuing personal dreams and private interests outside of ministry and family, and finding resources to meet the ever evolving and changing needs of the people whom I serve. After a sustained period of prayer, reflection and meditation, I realize I can invite you to come “In The Pastor’s Study” for an exchange of ideas.

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Prayer - Biblical Themes and Passages

Prayer: Biblical Themes and Passages
(Adapted from the Thompson Chain Reference Study Bible)

General passages

v  Genesis 18:23-32
v  Genesis 32:23-40
v  2 Samuel 7:18-29
v  1 Kings 8:22-61
v  Luke 11:1-13
v  Luke 18:1-8
v  John 17

First biblical reference to prayer                 Genesis 4:26

Universal need of prayer                              Psalm 65:2 and Isaiah 56:7

The Holy Spirit Aids in prayer                    Romans 8:26-27

Prayers of the Saints as precious                 Revelation 5:8

Prayers ascend as incense before God        Revelation 8:3

God commands prayer

v  1 Chronicles 16:11
v  Matthew 7:7
v  Matthew 26:41
v  Luke 18:1
v  John 16:24
v  Ephesians 6:18
v  1 Thessalonians 5:17
v  James 5:13

Examples of answered prayer

Moses                          Exodus 15:24
Gideon                        Judges 6:39-40
Hannah                      1 Samuel 1:27
Samuel                        1 Samuel 7:9-10
Solomon                     1 Kings 9:3
Elijah                          1 Kings 18:37-38
Hezekiah                    2 Kings 19:19-20
Jehoshaphat               2 Chronicles 18:31
Ezra                            Ezra 8:23
Zechariah                   Luke 1:13
The Early Church     Acts 4:31

God promises to answer prayer

v  Psalm 91:15
v  Isaiah 58:9
v  Isaiah 65:24
v  Zechariah 13:9
v  Luke 11:9
v  John 15:7

Causes of failure in prayer

v  Secret sin                          Psalm 66:18
v  Indifference                     Proverbs 1:28
v  Neglect of mercy              Proverbs 21:13
v  Despising the law             Proverbs 28:9
v  Bloodguiltiness                 Isaiah 1:15
v  Iniquity                             Isaiah 59:2 and Micah 3:4
v  Stubbornness                   Zechariah 7:3
v  Instability                         James 1:6-7
v  Self-indulgence                James 4:3

Prayers are sometimes refused because they do not accord with the divine will.

v  Exodus 33:20
v  Deuteronomy 3:26
v  2 Samuel 12:16
v  Ezekiel 20:3
v  2 Corinthians 12:8

Social and Family Prayers

v  Matthew 18:19
v  Luke 1:10
v  Acts 1:14
v  Acts 4:24
v  Acts 12:12
v  Acts 21:5

Conditions necessary for successful prayers

v  Contrition                        1 Chronicles 7:14
v  Wholeheartedness           Jeremiah 29:13
v  Faith                                 Mark 11:24
v  Righteousness                  James 5:16
v  Obedience                        1 John 3:22

Notable Biblical Prayers

v  Abraham for Sodom and Gomorrah                                        Genesis 18:23
v  Jacob at Peniel                                                                             Genesis 32:24
v  David when denied the privilege of building the temple          2 Samuel 7:18
v  Solomon at Gibeon                                                                      1 Kings 3:6
v  Solomon at the dedication of the temple                                   1 Kings 8:22
v  Hezekiah in response to an invasion                                          2 Kings 19:15
v                                                                                                        1 Chronicles 17:16
v  Ezra for the sins of the people                                                   Ezra 9:6
v  Daniel for the captive Jews                                                        Daniel 9:4
v  Habakkuk’s Prayer                                                                    Habakkuk 3:1
v  The Lord’s Prayer                                                                      Matthew 6:9
v  Christ’s intercessory prayer                                                       John 17
v  Paul for the Ephesians                                                                Ephesians 3:14

Brevity in Prayer

v  Elijah at Mt. Carmel                               1 Kings 18:36-37
v  Jabez                                                        1 Chronicles 4:10
v  Hezekiah in sickness                                Isaiah 38:2-3
v  The tax collector                                      Luke 18:13
v  Jesus on the cross                                    Luke 23:34
v  The dying thief                                        Luke 23:42
v  Stephen                                                    Acts 7:60

Examples of secret prayers

Moses                                      Deuteronomy 9:25

Samuel                                    1Samuel 15:11
Elijah                                      1 Kings 17:19-20
Daniel                                     Daniel 6:10
Christ’s command                 Matthew 6:6
Peter                                       Acts 10:9
Cornelius                                Acts 10:30

Private devotions of Christ

v  Morning devotions                      Mark 1:35
v  Evening prayer                            Mark 6:46
v  Solitary Communion                   Luke 5:15
v  All night prayer                           Luke 6:12
v  Only the disciples near                Luke 9:18
v  Gethsemane                                 Luke 22:41-42

Boldness in prayer

v  Abraham                                      Genesis 18:32
v  Jacob                                            Genesis 32:26
v  Moses                                            Deuteronomy 9:18
v  The Canaanite woman               Matthew 15:27 & Luke 18:5
v  Jesus                                             Luke 22:44
v  Royal official                               John 4:49
v  The Early Church                       Acts 12:5
v  Elijah                                            James 5:17

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